From 3 February to 2 June 2011 the IX Annual Seminars' Series on Migration organised by GRM took place at UAB. The last seminar was carried out by Santiago Roquer (Universitat Rovira i Virgili); “La migració de dones estrangeres al medi rural català en el context de la transformació econòmica i social de les comunitats locals". Please, click here to see the whole programme.
Last May 5th took place the fifth session of the IX Annual Seminars' Series on Migration organised by GRM: Cristóbal Mendoza (Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, México DF): “Geografía y migración internacional entre México y los Estados Unidos de América”.
Last April 7th took place the fourth session of the IX Annual Seminars' Series on Migration organised by GRM: Miriam Acebillo and Eva Østergaard (Departament de Ciència Política i Dret Públic, UAB): “Polítiques públiques locals i incorporació de migrants: les ciutats de Barcelona, Tarragona, Lleida i Girona.
Last March 23rd took place the third session of the IX Annual Seminars' Series on Migration organised by GRM: Danièle Joly (Director of Centre for Research in Ethnic Relations-CRER, University of Warwick) “Del multiculturalismo al paradigma musulmán en el Reino Unido".
Last February the 3rd took place the second session of the IX Annual Seminars' Series on Migration organised by GRM: Rinus Penninx (IMES, Universitaat van Amsterdam -UvA-, and Director of IMISCOE); “The Art of Policy-Making in the field of Integration: EU national and local integration policies and their relation”.
Last February the 3rd took place the first sesion of the IX Annual Seminars' Series on Migration organised by GRM with the title “Les onades migratòries en el sistema català de reproducció”. Anna Cabré, Director of the Centre d’Estudis Demogràfics (CED).
Last May 27th took place the seventh and last session of the VIIIth Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “Development of migration policy in Poland”. Patrycja Matusz (U. Wroclaw, Polska). Click here to see the complete program.
Between 27th September and 2nd October 2009 took place in Marrakech the XXVI IUSSP International Population Conference. The GRM members Àngels Pascual, Miguel Solana and Verónica de Miguel presented a paper in the congress.
The days 17th, 18th and 19th of September 2009 took place in A Coruña the VI Congreso sobre las Migraciones en España organized by ESOMI. Several GRM members presented papers in the mentioned congress: Ricard Morén-Alegret, Àngels Pascual-de-Sans, Cristóbal Mendoza, Pap Sow and Albert Mas-Palacios; Dawid Wladyka; and Eva Ostergaaard as invited.
From 9th to 11th of September 2009 took place in Stockholm the IMISCOE and SUSDIV annual meeting with the title "Sustainable diversity, migration and social cohesion". Ricard Morén-Alegret is going to present a paper in the congress.
Between February 25th and May 27th 2010 took place VII Cicle de Seminaris sobre Migracions organised by GRM. Click here to see the complete program.
Last 22nd of May took place the ninth seminar of the VII Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “Migracions i polítiques educatives. Una aproximació”. Joan Subirats (IGOP, UAB). Click to see the complete program of the VII
Seminar Series on Migration.
Last 20th April took place the eighth seminar of the VII Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “Out of Albania: key themes in Albania's post-1990 migration experience”. Russell King (Sussex University).
Friday 17th of April, Àngels Pascual carried out a conference within the V Congrés Català de Sociologia, which it was focused on the issue "Inmigration and catalan society". The title of the conference "L’estudi de les migracions a
Catalunya; l’estudi de la societat catalana".
Last 26th March took place the seventh seminar of the VII Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “Navegant entre fronteres socials i educatives: fills i filles d'immigrants a Califòrnia i Catalunya”. Sílvia Carrasco, Jordi Pàmies and Maribel Ponferrada (EMIGRA, UAB).
It has been put into operation the Observatori de la Immigració a Catalunya ( web page. Migracat it has been promoted by Fundació Jaume Bofill and some GRM members have collaborated on the elaboration of its contents. Recently it has been published the research La recerca en migracions a Catalunya, 2003-2007 by Pau Mota.
Last 25 February took place the sixth seminar of the VII Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “El viatge". Francesc Espinet (GRM, UAB). Click to see the text on which it was based the presentation.
Last 28 January took place the fifth seminar of the VII Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “L'alumnat de nacionalitat estrangera i la continuïtat cap els estudis postobligatoris: dades i reptes”. Josep Miquel Palaudàrias (Universitat de Girona).
Last 25 February took place the sixth seminar of the VII Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “El viatge". Francesc Espinet (GRM, UAB). Click to see the text on which it was based the presentation.
Last 28 January took place the fifth seminar of the VII Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “L'alumnat de nacionalitat estrangera i la continuïtat cap els estudis postobligatoris: dades i reptes”. Josep Miquel Palaudàrias (Universitat de Girona).
Wednesday 23rd of December 2008 Xavier Ferrer has read his doctoral thesis, "La reconfiguració de la frontera entre Espanya i el Marroc: continuïtat i discontinuïtat territorial a l´escenari fronterer Ceuta-Finideq". The thesis has received the appraisal excellent cum laude for unanimity.
Last 9 December
took the fourth seminar of the VII Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “Adolescentes y jóvenes inmigrantes e hijos de inmigrantes (segundas generaciones)”. Estrella Gualda (Universidad de Huelva).
Last 24th November
took place the third seminar of the VII Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “New patterns of international labour migration in England: regional and sub- regional perspectives”. Anne Green & David Owen (University of Warwick).
Last 14th November took place the second seminar of the VII Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “Migracions i desenvolupament al Marroc”. Joan Lacomba (Universitat de València).
Last 5th November
took place the first seminar of the VII Seminar Series on Migration organized by GRM with the title “Inmigración
y acceso a la vivienda en Portugal. Problemas y cambios". Jorge Malheiros (Universidade
de Lisboa).
Ricard Morén took part in the congress "Interacció
2008. Polítiques per al diàleg intercultural
a escala local”, which took
place the 29th of October in the Centre
d'Estudis i Recursos Culturals of Barcelona. Click
to see the complete program of the congress.
On October 22–23, 2008, the ‘Managing Immigration and Diversity in Quebec and Canada Forum’ took place in Barcelona, Spain. This two-day symposium, founded and directed by Dr. Dan Rodriguez-Garcia, a professor in the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and a member of the Migration Research Group (GRM), brought together 15 internationally renowned Canadian experts to examine and discuss crucial matterson migration. Click here for more information obout the Forum and see the photo gallery of the Forum.
Àngels Pascual took part as invited in a specialized speech
in the 21st Col·loqui Germano-Català organized by Kiel University (Germany).
The colloquy took place form 9 to 11th of October 2008 and it was centred on the language and migration issues. Click to see the web page of the colloquy.
Àngels Pascual is going to be part of the scientist committee
of the “VI Congreso sobre la Imigración
en España” which is going to take
place in La Coruña on September 2009.
Last Monday 2nd of
June took place the fourth seminar
of the IV Cicle de Seminaris
sobre Migracions organized by GRM,
with the title “Redes sociales de apoyo:
interacciones entre españoles y extranjeros”. Dra. Verónica de Miguel (Grup
de Recerca sobre Migracions). Click to see the presentation of the seminar.
Last Monday 5th of
May took place the third seminar of
the IV Cicle de Seminaris sobre Migracions organized by GRM, with the title “Candel:
una crònica de la immigració a Catalunya”. Carme Parramon (Grup de Recerca sobre
Migracions) and Genís Sinca (Journalist and Francesc Candel biographer).
Last Friday 25th of April,
Àngels Pascual carried out the account “La
noción de retorno. Sentido(s) en el contexto
migratorio actual” with its following debate.
This account it was done inside the XI Congreso
de Inmigración that took place at the Universidad de Almería on 23, 24, 25
and 26 of April 2008. The congress it was organized
by the Laboratorio de Antropología Social y
Cultural (LASC) de la Universidad de Almería. Click
to see the complete program of the congess.
Last Monday 21st of
April took place the second seminar
of VI Cicle de Seminaris sobre Migracions organized
by GRM with the title "The demography of
family reunification in Spain: emerging dilemmas for
Gambians and other immigrants" Prof. Caroline
Bledsoe, Northwestern University, EUA.
On March 2008, Dr.
Papa Sow has obtained a Marie Curie
contract to establish for 2 years at the Centre
for Research in Ethnic Relations, CRER, of the University
of Warwick.
"NEW RESEARCH PROJECT: Dr. Ricard Morén-Alegret has obtained
funding from the Spanish Ministry of Science and Education,
in a competitive call for proposals of Programa
José Castillejo, to carry out a
research project in Great Britain during 2008 on Cultural
diversity, symbolic integration and local organisations."
Miguel Solana and Clara
Parramon has collaborated on the coordination
and edition of a monographic number of the “Quaderns
d'Estudi” review about the foreign immigration
in the city of L'Hospitalet de Llobregat. The title
of the number is "Aportacions al voltant
de la immigració estrangera a l'Hospitalet",
Quaderns d'Estudi n. 20. Miguel Solana and Clara Parramon
are members of the “Consell de Redacció
del Centre d'Estudis de l'Hospitalet”. On Wednesday
12th of March, took place the act of presentation of
this number in the Centre Cultural Metropolità
Tecla Sala (L'Hospitalet).
Last Monday 10th of
March took place the first seminar
of VI Cicle de Seminaris sobre Migracions organized
by GRM with the title “La migración
México-Estados Unidos a principios del siglo
XXI”. Elaine Levine (Universidad
Nacional Autónoma de México).
Last 14th and 15th of February
(2008) took place the International Symposium "Nuevos
retos del transnacionalismo en el estudio de las migraciones",
organized by GEDIME (Grup d'Estudis sobre Immigració
i Minories Ètniques), in which participated Àngels
Pacual as a chairperson in the round table discussion
“Maternidades transnacionales entre América
Latina y el Estado español: El impacto de las
políticas migratorias en las estrategias de reagrupación
Some GRM members have collaborated
on the set up of the Fundació Jaume Bofill’s
“Observatori sobre la Immigració”.
Along the first month of 2008 Àngels Pascual
has collaborated as a consultant of the Project and
other GRM members have done summaries about research
projects which are an important part of the web, that
in a few time it’s going to start to work.
On Tuesday, November 26 (2007)
took place at the Institut d'Estudis Catalans the speech reception of Àngels
Pascual de Sans as a membre numeraria of the Philosophy and Social
Sciences Section of the IEC. The speech focused on " La mobilitat espacial
i l'assentament de la població. Un exemple d'interacció
entre pressió social i interès científic " The reply was made by Mr.
Salvador Giner. Click
to enlarge the news and to access to the speech.
The Foundation Lluis Carulla has edited his
usual Nadala, the year 2007 dedicated to "
Immigració. Les onades immigratòries en
la Catalunya contemporània".
A series of colleagues have made several contributions. Chapter 6 has been drafted by
Àngels Pascual and Jordi Cardelús, " L'expressió literària
de la mobilitat i l'arrelament
". Click
to access to the presentation of the Nadala 2007.
The Consell de
Treball, Econòmic i Social de Catalunya (CTESC) has awarded
the second prize in its annual contest Tesis
Doctorals 2007 to Pau Mota Moya for his PhD
thesis presented this year in the Departament de Geografia of the UAB " Migracions
i salut: interrelacions
en la immigració estrangera a Catalunya". Click
to access to the thesis abstract.
On Thursday, December 13th 2007 Veronica
de Miguel has presented her doctoral thesis, La
dimensión familiar de las migraciones interregionales
en España durante el siglo XX: un análisis
On Wednesday, December 19th 2007 Montserrat
Feixas has presented her doctoral thesis, Migration
movement between Pakistan and South Western Europe:
Pakistani migratory networks in Catalonia. |